The Tommy C
Our 30-foot Luhrs Custom Sport Fisherman is the ultimate in fishing machines. Is equipped with the latest state-of-the-art electronics and safety equipment exceeding U.S. Coast Guard requirements.
The Tommy C is a New England Lobster Yacht type vessel designed for the fishing comfort of anglers and crew alike. Its oversized deck can easily accommodate six anglers and crew.
For your convenience a first mate is onboard daily.
By following major schools of fish, the Tommy C puts you in the most productive areas possible throughout the season. The result is a higher yield in limit catches daily and of course, happier Lake Erie anglers.
Char-Tom Charters now has
4 boats to serve customers.
They are Tommy C-1, Tommy C-2,
Tommy C-3 and Tommy C-4.
For additional information
please call 614-419-8265.
Char-Tom Charters